Gandhi Smaraka Nidhi,  Dept. of Information and Public Relation in association with PES Institute of Advanced Management Studies, Shivamooga   organized Audio Visual show of Mahatma Gandhiji’s life  to mark the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji  at PESIAMS on 08-03-2018. This program was organized in order to enlighten the young  generation about the values and life of Mahatma Gandhiji. The program was inaugurated by Smt. S.Y. Arunadevi, Trustee, PES Trust®. Speaking on the occasion she said the thoughts and values  of Gandhiji is more relevant today as he is the role model  in achieving Unity across India.

The program was attended by Dr. R Nagaraja, CCA, PES Trust, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Principal, PESITM, Mr. S.R. Nagaraja, Principal, PESIAMS, District information Officer, Mr. Shafi Saaduddin, Mr. Satish, NSS Program Officer and students.

A Special Audio Visual show about the Life and Values of Mahatma Gandhi  with Special Light Effect was presented  at the end.