A guest talk was arranged on “Basic Cloud Computing Technology” for all the BCA students. The resource person started his talk by sharing his knowledge on overview, importance and technological aspects used in cloud computing. He also enlightened the students that the Cloud computing technology has become basic requirement to be learnt by them and also he shared his experience how programming language is also important in this technology.
The guest speaker gave same valuable tips to the students to take up online examinations as it carries good weightage in the job market.
He concluded the session by motivating the students to explore in the field of Corporate , how the top companies make use of the cloud applications. He suggested the students to develop small applications on their own using new technologies.
The talk was followed by an interactive session. The talk has proven to be very inspiring and informative for the students.
Dr.K.Sailatha, Principal, Mr. Nagaraja S R, MCom Co-Ordinator, Ms. Roopa D S, HOD, Computer Science Department, Dr.Sudarshan G, HOD of B.com & BBA and faculty members of Computer Science Department were also present. Final year students, Mr. Nikil A R welcomed the Guests and Ms. Stella Saji John proposed Vote of thanks on the occasion.
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