The first parent’s meet of First year BCA students for the academic year 2017-2018 was held on 17.08.2017.

The meeting started at 3:00PM. Mrs. Ashwini E.M in her welcome address explained that such meetings enhance the quality of communication between parents and faculty members and help the department to make plans, set goals, solve problems, and establish a better relationship between parents and faculty members and in turn improve the students who are important stakeholders of our institution.

After the welcome speech, the Principal addressed the parents and spoke in general about the college rules and regulations and path trodden by PESIAMS. The Head of the Department, Mrs. Roopa D.S explained the departmental activities for the academic year 2016-17 and also the planned activities of the current semester. She also stressed upon the importance of the meeting and the key points to be discussed.

The Head of Career Development Council, Mr. Pramod Prabhudev addressed the parents regarding placement opportunities available to the students and other issues relating to placement. The parents were asked to have a look at the attendance status of their wards. Finally Mrs. Shruti M Patil proposed vote of thanks. All the class teachers and the subject teachers of their respective division addressed the Parents and clarified the doubts of the parents relating to various issues. Many parents attended the meeting and a few parents gave their feedback & suggestions about the meeting.


The college organized a Parent’s meeting of First Semester B. Com Programme on Friday, 18th August, 2017 in college auditorium at 3.30 pm. The main purpose of meet was to create a common platform, where teacher and parents come together to enrich the student’s educational experiences and discuss variety of issues, regarding all round development of students.

The meeting was organized under guidance and president ship of Principal Mr. S.R Nagaraja, Head of the department, Teachers and parents of First Year B. Com college students attended the meet.

The agenda of the meeting

  • Welcome and introduction of teachers and parents.
  • To provide information about various student oriented activities and schemes run by college.
  • Suggestion from parents.
  • Any subject with permission of chair.

The Parent Teacher Meeting was conducted as per the following schedule –

  • Registration of parents at the registration desk at 3.00 PM
  • Distribution of feedback forms at the registration desk
  • Welcome address by Mohan D, Asst. Professor
  • Introductory speech was proposed by Mrs. Sharada G, Asst. Professor
  • Commencement of parent meeting with speech of Principal  S.R Nagaraja
  • Department Presentation by Mr. Rakesh D’souza, HOD – B.Com
  • Question answer session of the parents with the teaching staff
  • Vote of thanks by Mrs. Lenita Quadros, Asst. Professor
  • Conclusion of meeting at 5 :00 pm followed by tea and snacks for the parents