The fundamental role of an education Institution is creating the best environment for teaching and learning. The last step in the teaching and learning process is evaluation (i.e., Exam and the results). The main function of the Examination committee is to carry out internal assessments and publish results of internal assessment tests in a fair and transparent manner. It is also responsible for the smooth conduction of external examinations as per the guidelines of Kuvempu University.
- To Conduct Internal Assessment and Semester-End University Examinations as per the University notifications.
- To set Principles and Guidelines for conduction of Internal & External Examinations.
Composition of Internal Assessment and External Examination Committee for the Academic Year 2019-20
No |
Name of the member and Department | Designation |
1 | Dr. K Sailatha | Chairperson |
2 | Mrs. Roopa. D. S, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science | Coordinator(Practical) |
3 | Mr. Harsha C Mathad,Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management | Coordinator(Theory) |
4 | Dr. Sudharshan G.M, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce & Management | Member |
5 | Mr. Vinay Kumar K.S, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management | Member |
6 | Ms. Swathi J., Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management | Member |
7 | Ms. Roopashree N, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management | Member |
8 | Mr. Prashanth Kumar R, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science | Member |
9 | Mr. Darshan P.R.,Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science | Member |
10 | Ms. Tejaswini V. R, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science | Member |
11 | Ms. Bindu D. S., Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science | Member |
- Conducting Internal Assessment Test and External Examination
- Record Maintenance of Internal Assessment Test and External Examination
- Administration of the Internal Assessment Test and External Examination
SOP for Internal Assessment Test
- The Committee is responsible for communicating IA dates as mentioned in COE to the students through circular, in case of any disturbance in the dates, then a meeting will be conducted and disturbance will be resolved and the same will be communicated.
- The syllabus of the IA is communicated to students by the respective subject teachers and the same will be taken as an acknowledgement from the student.
- The Question paper and scheme of evaluation are collected as per the specified date in the circular.
- The committee is responsible for arranging a meeting with the Internal Assessment Question Paper Scrutiny Committee to review question papers.
- Internal assessment question papers scrutiny committee verifies the question paper as per the following predetermined parameters, Quality of the question papers, Blue taxonomy pattern of the question paper and Format of the question paper.
- In case of any deviation to the above same will be intimated to the respective subject teacher by the internal assessment question paper scrutiny committee.
- After modification, the internal assessment committee will collect the question paper and scheme of valuation from the respective subject teacher.
- The committee collects the list of eligible students from respective class teachers.
- The committee is responsible for preparing the IA timetable, duty allotment and seating plan.
- The internal squad committee ensures fair and transparent conduction of Internal Assessment tests of the institution.
- IA scripts are handed over to the subject teacher and the committee ensure to get a finalized marks list after 3 working days from the last IA test.
- The evaluated answer scripts will be shown to the students to ensure fairness and transparency in evaluation, Any case of discrepancies in awarding the marks will be resolved by respective subject teachers after providing a due explanation. The same will be intimated to concerned HODs and the Principal.
- During the last month of the semester Skill development work timetable for commerce and management will be prepared and the same will be notified on the notice board.
- IA marks are consolidated and the final IA marks will be uploaded into the Kuvempu University examination portal.
- The hard copy of the consolidated IA marks will be submitted to Kuvempu University after getting signature from the students.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism of the Internal assessment is resolved as per the following procedure:
- Both students and faculty are provided with the COE of the institution at the beginning of semester. The faculty copy of COE includes dates of IA, submission of question paper and submission of IA marks.
- The Examination committee of the institution provides a Code of conduct for both faculty and students.
- As per the Kuvempu university norms 75% attendance is compulsory to appear for the end semester examinations. Similarly, the Institution has made mandatory 75% attendance in all subjects to take up the IA.
- In any case, if students do not get eligibility of 75% attendance due to health of his/her own or near and dear ones, marriage or any other major functions, such students will be given a chance to write missed IA after following due procedures set for the same.
- Internal assessment is conducted on the basis of the regularity of students, performance, and punctuality.
- Students will be given instructions through the class teacher for submission of supportive documents of any issues mentioned in the above.
- The Class teacher collects all supportive documents, and calls for a meeting presided by the Principal. Including the HODs and IA coordinators to check for genuineness of the document submitted by students. During the meeting the decision will be taken whether to allow or not allow students to write IA and the same is intimated to students through the class teacher.
- In any case, if a student fails to take up IA based on the decision taken during the meeting, he or she will be given one more chance to take up IA after attending remedial classes.
- After all the procedures, the evaluated IA papers will be distributed to students, Any case of discrepancy in awarding marks will be resolved by respective subject teachers after providing due explanation. The same will be intimated to concerned HOD and the Principal.
SOP for Practical Examination
- All practical Examinations in the institution are conducted and coordinated by separate committee.
- Kuvempu University sends notification to colleges regarding practical examination.
- The notification is brought to the notice of the Principal by the concerned office staff and handed over to the Practical Examination Coordinator of the Institution after obtaining the signature of the Principal.
- The Practical examination dates will be finalized during the Department meeting.
- The timetable, batch details, faculty details for Practical Examinations will be finalized by the Coordinator in consultation with the Principal and the same will be submitted to Kuvempu University Practical Examination Coordinator for approval.
- The approved timetable will be displayed on the Department notice board.
- The faculty members will attend duties as per the duty allotment letter sent by the Practical Examination Coordinator of Kuvempu University.
- Batch details and timetable will be uploaded in the Kuvempu University examination portal by the Practical Examination coordinator of the Institution.
- The Lab instructor will format all the lab systems and set up them before the commencement of examination for smooth conduction.
- A request to the Principal is made to issue the Answer Booklet bundles received from the University.
- The Internal examiner will be responsible for preparing the Invigilators’ diary. Batch-wise details of examination will be maintained in the practical examination ledger which will be duly signed by both the internal and external examiners.
- After the completion of each batch examination, marks will be uploaded in the Kuvempu University Examination portal by examiners after verification.
- The Coordinator will prepare the attendance certificate and the work done statement for both internal and external examiners then obtains the signature of the Principal for the approval. The approved copy will be handed over to examiners.
- Before the closure of the day the answer scripts are bundled and kept in the Examination strong room.
- After the completion of all practical examinations, a consolidated statement is prepared and submitted to the Principal to dispatch the same along with the practical answer booklets.
- All the related documents are filed.
SOP for Theory Examination
- Kuvempu University uploads timetable of the Examination in the Kuvempu University Examination portal and the same will be displayed on the college notice board.
- HODs prepare a list of eligible and non-eligible students to write the semester end examination. the non-eligible student list will be sent to the Registrar (Evaluation) of Kuvempu University
- Hall tickets will be downloaded from the Kuvempu University Examination portal well in advance of examinations.
- Downloaded hall tickets will be verified towards the total eligible students of the institution. In any case if an eligible students Hall ticket is not generated, the same will be reported to the Examination section of Kuvempu University for resolving the issue.
- Hall tickets are handed over to the class teachers for distribution to their respective students after taking acknowledgement.
- The Examination committee will prepare duty allotment based on the examination dates and the same will be intimated to the faculty through an order.
- The Examination committee conducts a meeting before the commencement of the examination to inform the rules, regulations, procedure to be followed and responsibilities of the office superintendent, relieving superintendent, room invigilators and office staff.
- Kuvempu University dispatches question papers to the Chief Superintendent of the institution. Received question papers will be segregated based on the date/session as per the exam timetable. In any case a particular sessions question papers are not received, the same will be intimated to the examination section of Kuvempu University. The Chief Superintendent ensures to get the same.
- The Examination committee will prepare the seating plan and the same will be uploaded to the Kuvempu University examination portal.
- The Sitting squad/Observer will report to the Chief Superintendent as per the order received by the Kuvempu University to ensure fair and transparent examination process to be conducted.
- The Office Superintendent will ensure proper allotment of answer booklets and question papers as per the session of the examination. Office Superintendent will ensure proper documents are maintained as per the norms of Kuvempu University.
- The Examination Committee ensures the availability of log table and graphs to provide to the students.
- The Observer, Office Superintendent, Relieving Superintendent, Room Invigilators and Office staff will report to the Chief Superintendent half an hour before the commencement of the examination.
- Room Invigilators will report fifteen minutes prior to the commencement of examination to their respective examination halls as per the allotment.
- The Chief Superintendent will open the question paper packets in front of the Observer and Office Superintendent after completing due procedure.
- The Office Superintendent and Relieving Superintendent will allot question papers as per the seating allotment.
- After a short bell of five minutes prior to the examination, the Office Superintendent will hand over question papers to Room invigilators.
- After half an hour the absentees’ register will be sent to examination halls to collect the absentee status. The same will be uploaded in the Kuvempu University Examination portal to prepare absentee statement and answer script bundle details.
- After the completion of each session of the examination, the Office superintendent and Relieving superintendent collect and verify the answer booklets received from Room Invigilators.
- Collected answer scripts will be segregated based on the programs, the same will be bundled and kept in the strong room for dispatch.
- Kuvempu University collects the answer booklet bundle from time to time by following due procedures.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism of End Semester Examination
- End Semester Examination Grievance mechanism is followed as per the Kuvempu University norms.