"Wellness must be a prerequisite to all else.
Students can’t be intellectually proficient if they are physically or mentally unwell"

-Ernest Boyer

Counseling is a transformative process aimed at nurturing the personal well-being of students. Recognizing the importance of addressing emotional and psychological challenges within the student community, PES Institute of Technology has established the "Counseling Cell" on its campus, staffed by dedicated faculty member as counselor.

The Counseling Cell at PES Institute of Technology is committed to helping students understand themselves and overcome the issues that trouble them. Whether these challenges are personal, emotional, social, familial, peer-related, academic, or sexual in nature, the cell provides individual and group counseling sessions to facilitate personal growth, academic success, social development. Our counselor also aims to enhance students' listening skills, empathy, and interpersonal abilities, equipping them with the tools for healthy relationships and a balanced lifestyle.

In their role, our counselor provide unwavering support by actively listening and responding in a confidential, non-judgmental, and timely manner. Her expertise lies in assessing, diagnosing, and treating students who may be grappling with academic stress, anxiety, depression, social addictions, and other challenges they may encounter during their educational journey.



To promote psychological and emotional well-being of the students.


To motivate the students to understand and develop their potentialities.


To help students to modify their habits.


To develop new and better coping skills.


  1. To identify the students who need help.
  2. Conduct individual & group counselling sessions.
  3. Seek expert opinions & support in critical cases.
  4. Organize lectures/seminars/workshops by expert speakers and professionals.
  5. Involving parents/teachers in the process.

Guidelines for counselling

  1. The consent of the student will be obtained from the mentor before the commencement of counselling
  2. Adhering to confidentiality is of prime importance
  3. Prior appointments are encouraged
  4. Clear boundaries of the counselling relationship will be established
  5. Assessment accessibility will be provided only if the absolute need arises.

Procedure for counselling

  • Though the students can approach the Counsellor during the working hours of the college, prior appointments are usually encouraged to follow a systematic procedure.
  • Faculty members can refer any student for misconduct/ misbehaviour in class during the class hours.
  • The counsellor obtains the consent from the counselee and establishes the boundaries of the relationship during the first set of counselling.
  • Every counselling session is documented and an assessment is made.
  • Follow up is done to understand the progress of the situation.

If you are not sure ?

Some common concerns we come across on a regular basis.

Learn More


An initiative for promoting overall wellbeing of female students in Pes hostels.

If you are not sure ?

Some common concerns we come across on a regular basis.

Learn More


An initiative for promoting overall wellbeing of female students in Pes hostels.


Talking to your family or friends is just as valid as going to therapy


Professional Counseling is completely different.


It is a sign of weakness.


It is a sign of strength.

"Let's break the Stigma "


It is for serious mental problems /crazy people.


It is for Anyone and everyone


It is a quick fix for all your problems


It is a process that requires time, effort, and commitment from both the individual


There is medication involved in counseling


It is basically talk therapy, counselors cannot advice medication

You don’t have to You don’t have to You don’t have to fight your battle alone!!!

You don’t have to

fight your battle alone!!!

You can consult with the psychologist to find out the solution of your problems.

Book an appointment

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Mental Health Matters! It is as important as Physical Health!

For more information contact

Ms Tanuja S

Prerana Educational and Social Trust
N H -206, Sagar Road, Shivamogga – 577204
Mobile: 8147053069
Email Id: counsellor@pestrust.edu.in

Ms Tanuja S

Prerana Educational and Social Trust N H -206, Sagar Road, Shivamogga – 577204 Karnataka
Mobile: 8147053069
Email Id: counsellor@pestrust.edu.in