About the Department & Course

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering became functional with the establishment of the Institution in the year 2007. Being the core branch in Engineering, it has a lot of potential in various sectors such as IoT, Telecommunication, Low-power VLSI Design, Antenna Design, Electronics product Manufacturing, Hardware & Testing, and Information Technology sectors. The Department of ECE has been accredited to NAAC & NBA and is permanently affiliated with VTU. The Department has close interaction with stakeholders and is continuously using the inputs for improving curriculum and research facilities.

Salient Features:
  • The Department is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for three years under TIER-2 from 2021-2024.
  • The Department is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for 5 years from 2023-2028.
  • The Department is permanently affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi.
  • The Department has recognized the research centre (RC) from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
  • The Department has obtained funding project grants worth Rs.31,50,000 from VTU, VGST.
  • The Department has an IETE - ISF Students Club.
  • The Departmental laboratories are well-equipped with trending software and modern training facilities that cater to the requirements of the university syllabus.
  • The Departmental library is stacked with several books. The department has formalized this objective in terms of its own Program.
Outcome Based Education

To be a leading centre of excellence in the field of electronics & communication engineering for learning research with professional ethics.

Mission 1:To provide a quality technical education for students to develop with globally competent professionals.

Mission 2:To develop a framework for collaboration and multidisciplinary activities to ensure ethical and value-based education to address social needs.

Electronics & Communication Engineering is a branch of engineering that incorporates skills and expertise needed in the industries. Bachelor’s program in Electronics & Communication Engineering is aimed at preparing graduates who will be experts in this domain.

To develop the ability among students to understand the concept of core subjects.

To get exposure to emerging technologies, adequate training and opportunities to work as a team on multidisciplinary projects with effective communication skills.

To cultivate ethical practices in Professional, Societal & Environmental needs by engaging in life-long learning.

As defined by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA):

    Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering problems.

    Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

    Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

    Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

    Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

    The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

    Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

    Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

    Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

    Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

    Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

    Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

ECE graduates will be able to:-

Analyze and design analog & digital circuits or systems for a given specification and function.

Implement functional blocks of hardware-software co-designs for signal processing and communication applications.


Dr. Om Prakash Yadav

Professor and Head

Dr. Madhavi Mallam


Dr.Narayanaswamy G

Associate Professor

Dr. Mahantesh P Mattada

Associate Professor

Dr. Vishnu V M

Associate Professor

Dr. Priyanka B G

Assistant Professor

Mr. Nithin H V

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Shyamala S.C

Assistant Professor

Mr. Hanumanthappa Magalada

Assistant Professor

Mr. Shivayogappa H J

Assistant Professor

Mr. Chethan B R

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Yojana Yadav

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Swathi N V

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Sangeetha  B S

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Kavya M P

Assistant Professor

Mr. Anil Kumar C

Assistant Professor

Ms. Srilakshmi Nayaka S R

Assistant Professor

Ms. Lavanya R

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Malashree K S

Assistant Professor

Mr. Darshan H M

Assistant Professor

Ms. Nagarjuna Chandana Singh

Assistant Professor

Mr. Vayusutha M

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Adithi M

Assistant Professor

Mr. Halaswamy K E Foreman

Lab Instructor

Rajappa T. H

Lab Instructor

Mrs. Nagashree B

Lab Instructor

Mrs. Shilpa

Lab Instructor

Ms. Madhura A N

Office Assistant

Mrs. Hema


Pruthviraj L


Facilities / Labs

Digital Signal Processing Lab & Computer Networks Lab

Objective: This lab is offered to B.E ECE students to simulate discrete-time signals and verify sampling theorem. Compute the DFT for a discrete signal and verify its properties using MATLAB. Implement the DSP computation on DSP hardware and verify the result. Choose a suitable tool like NCTUns to model a network and understand the protocols at various OSI reference Levels. Design a suitable network and simulate it by using a network simulator tool. Simulate the networking concepts and protocols using C/C++ Programming. Model the networks for different configurations and analyze the results

Details of the Equipment:
#No Equipment acquired up to date Quantity
1 Computers: Acer Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130 CPU @ 3.4GHz , RAM 4.00 GB (3.40 GB usable) and Intel(R) Dual Core CPU E5500 @ 2.8GHz ,160GB, 320GB & 500 GB HDD, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows XP 25
2 DSP Kit 16
3 DSP Adapter 16
4 DSP Data Cables 16
5 Fedora 64bit, NCTUns, MATLAB R2007b Open Source

Lab Incharge:
Mr. Hanumanthappa Magalada , Assistant professor, Dept. of ECE

Supporting Staff:
Mr. Rajappa TH, Lab Instructor, Dept. of ECE


Objective: This lab is offered to B.E ECE students and it is specially designed and developed for the students to learn about the Modeling of CMOS logic circuits using Microwind /Cadence, modelling of combinational and sequential logic circuits using VHDL/Verilog and implementation of digital circuits on Xilinx FPGAs. This lab is well provided with Xilinx ISE System Edition14.7. This lab gives practical observation on the Design of CMOS Logic gates using a Schematic/Layout Editor followed by simulation. At the end of the semester, the student will be able to design CMOS logic circuit modelling using a schematic editor and digital system modelling using VHDL/Verilog. This lab is also equipped for Embedded System design where students use advanced microcontrollers like ARM Cortex M3 along with Keil µVision 4 IDE.

Details of the Equipment:
#No Equipment acquired up to date Quantity
1 Computers: Acer Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400 CPU @ 2.90GHz ,RAM 8.00 GB (7.82 GB usable), 1TB HDD,64-bit operating system, x64-based processor,Windows 10 Pro 23
2 CRO 10
3 DC motor 20
4 Stepper Motor 20
5 ARM M3 CORTEX Trainer Kit 20
6 Serial Cables for programming ARM CORTEX Lab 22
7 Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.5, Microwind-2 Open Source
8 Keil µVision 4, Flash Magic. Open Source

Lab Incharge:
Dr. Mahantesh P Mattada , Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE

Supporting Staff:
Mr.Rajappa TH, Lab Instructor, Dept.of ECE

Analog Communications and Digital Communications Lab


  • To train to be employed as successful professionals in a core area of Communication.
  • To acquire knowledge and skills to be employed as successful professionals in Analog/Digital Communication fields.
  • To understand and implement the basic analog and digital communication techniques/ circuits with the help of theoretical and practical problem-solving.
  • Area of the Lab:75.50 Sq. Mt.

    Details of the Equipment:
    #No Name of the Equipment Quantity
    1 3MHzDualTraceOscilloscopes 15
    2 FunctionGenerators 15
    3 Digital Oscilloscope (DSO) 09
    4 5v/12V fixed voltage RPS 15
    5 AMDT Kit 05
    6 PWMDT Kit 05
    7 PALL trainer Kit 05
    8 PAMDT Kit 05
    9 FM Trainer Kit 05
    10 Antenna Kits (yagi/Dipole/Patch) 05
    11 Micro wave Signal Generator 07
    12 VSWR meters 08
    13 Microwave test Bench set 02
    14 OFC Kit 02

    Lab Incharge:
    Mr.Shivayogappa H J,Assistant professor,Dept.of ECE

    Supporting Staff:
    Mr.Halaswamy K E, foreman, Dept.of ECE


    Objective: The purpose of UG Project Laboratory is to enable the students to get familiar with hardware and software tools through hands-on mode. This laboratory demands the essential knowledge of circuit design & fault analysis from the students which they learn during the four years of study of Electronics & Communication engineering. Along with the theoretical knowledge, the accumulated hands-on experience was also enhanced by solving different design problems in this laboratory.

    The students can develop prototypes on the solid foundations of the basic concepts of electronic components, their specifications and circuit designing. Thus, the Lab is useful for training the students on how to interface and select components for the desired circuit by studying the datasheets. Project Expo is organized which provides a platform for the students to showcase their project works so that the skill set of the students will be improved and measured.

    Details of the Equipment:
    #No Equipment acquired up to date
    1 Universal Programmer and Tester
    2 Oscilloscope, Digital Power Supply
    3 Raspberry Pi 3
    4 Arduino Uno/Nano/NodeMCU
    5 ARM M3 CORTEX Trainer Kit
    6 Microcontroller development boards
    7 Discrete Interfacing Components
    8 Breadboard for Designing and Testing circuits
    9 Xilinx, P-spice, MASM, Keil Softwares
    10 Project Models
    11 Well Configured Systems

    Lab Incharge:
    Mr. Nithin H V, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE

    Supporting Staff:
    Mr.Halaswamy K E, foreman, Dept.of ECE

    AEC + LIC Lab

    Objective: Analog Communication lab enables me to formulate and gain hands-on experience in building analog systems for a given specification using the basic building blocks, in AM & FM techniques, frequency synthesis, in pulse and flat top sampling techniques. It gives the knowledge about choosing an IC and Designing the circuit for a given application. And also analyzes the performance of instrumentation amplifiers, LPF, HPF, DAC and oscillators using linear IC. This lab understands the applications of linear IC for addition, integration and 555 timer operations to generate signals /pulses.

    Area of the Lab:75.50 Sq. Mt.

    Details of the Equipment:
    #No Equipment acquired up to date Quantity
    1 Analog CRO’s 15
    2 Functiongenerators. 20
    3 Regulated Power Supplies.
    (0 to 30 V )(0 to 50V)
    4 Autotransformers 04
    5 Multimeters / LCRmeter 20+2=22
    6 Galvanometer 04
    7 5V/12V fixed regulated power Supply 15
    8 DRB/DIB/DCB 26+13+26=65
    9 Ammeter/ Voltmeter 34

    Lab Incharge:
    Mr.Chethan B R Assistant Professor Dept. of ECE

    Supporting Staff:
    Mr.Halaswamy K E Foreman,Dept. of ECE

    Digital System Design Laboratory

    Objective: : The laboratory houses the equipment for conducting a digital system design lab course and an integrated circuits lab course. The laboratory aims to acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and to design and verify basic digital electronics circuits. It includes designing and testing combinational circuits, sequential circuits, digital logic families and programmable logic devices. The laboratory also introduces the basic building blocks of linear integrated circuits to understand the fundamental characteristics of op-amps. It includes the design of various applications using op-amp as integrator, differentiator, log, antilog and wave generation circuits.

    Details of the Equipment:
    #No Equipment acquired up to date Quantity
    1 Computer: Monitor 18.5” , CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, Windows 7 32 bit, RAM 4 GB, Processor Pentium(R) Dual Core 17
    2 IC Tester kits 02
    3 Digital IC Trainer Kit 20
    4 Xilinx , Pspice, open source

    Lab Incharge:
    Mrs. Yojana Yadav, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE

    Supporting Staff:
    Mrs. Shilpa, Instructor, Dept. of ECE

    HDL/Microcontroller Laboratory

    Objective: This lab is offered to B.E ECE students and it is specially designed and developed for the students to learn about hardware description language (HDL) used to describe the structure and behaviour of electronic circuits, and most commonly, digital logic circuits and implementation of digital circuits on Xilinx FPGAs. This lab is well provided with equipment Xilinx ISE System Edition 14, Xilinx SPARTAN 3 with USB Programming cable. At the end of the semester, the student will be able to implement digital circuits on Xilinx FPGAs.

    Details of the Equipment:
    #No Equipment acquired up to date Quantity
    1 Computer Acer with Monitor 18.5” , CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, LAN Cable, Windows 7 32 bit, RAM 4 GB, Processor Pentium(R) Dual Core 19
    2 ALS-CPLD/FPGA Trainer kit 20
    3 ALS –SDA- 86 MEL Keyboard 15
    4 ALS –SDA- 86 Microprocessor Kits 16
    5 NIFC-17 Elevator 18
    6 NIFC-01 Stepper motor Interface 10
    7 NIFC-46 Keypad and Seven segment Display interface 06
    8 NIFC-06 Dual DAC 14
    9 NIFC-05 Logic Controller 10
    10 NIFC-09 keyboard/display 06
    11 NIFC-45 Keypad & LCD 08
    12 NIFC-69 LDR/Relay/Buzzer/Switch OPLED Interface 05
    13 NIFC-57 Stepper / DC motor interface 09
    14 NIFC-58 Temperature/Relay Interface 04
    15 NIFC-38 Multiplexed seven segment display 10
    16 NIFC-39 Matrix keyboard module (3X8) 10
    17 Flash micro controller board(89V51RD2) 10
    18 Power supply 5V,1.5A 46
    19 Power supply 5V, 2.5A 15
    20 DC Motor 05
    21 Xilinx , Pspice, Turbo C++, MATLAB R2007b, Python open source

    Lab Incharge:
    Mrs. Kavya M P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE

    Supporting Staff:
    Mrs. Shilpa, Instructor, Dept. of ECE


    Focus of Research

    The R&D Center is involved in identifying new research areas and developing projects leading to publications in National/International Journals and conferences. Established R&D centre promotes Research & Innovation among the faculty, research scholars & students in the fields of Communication, Antenna design, VLSI design, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning etc. The centre helps in developing cooperative and complementary research to explore advanced technologies. The Centre also guides and facilitates in writing of project proposals, and scientific papers leading to publication as well as in identifying the research outcomes of research for filing patents.

    Scholar Details

    List of VTU research supervisors and research scholars registered under ECE research center

    #No. Research Supervisor Name Research Scholars Name TITLE OF THE PROJECT
    1 Dr. Chandrappa D. N Mr. Chethan Design and development of compact wide and multiband frequency reconfigurable microstrip planar monopole antenna for wireless applications
    Mr. Rajappa H S Design of miniaturized reconfigurable slotted microstrip antenna for ultra wideband application
    Mr. Hanumanthappa Magalada Reconfigurable microstrip patch antenna for wireless applications
    2 Dr. Manoj Kumar M Prashant SB Computational approach for routing and wavelength assignment to improve efficiency in optical networks
    Rohini Kallur Developing an energy efficiency uplink & downlink delay-aware (EUDDA) WDN-PON system
    Nitin HV Investigation of Different Techniques to achieve high capacity in Optimal CDMA systems
    Shashank S Bhagawat Study and Development of Printed phase Antenna Arrays for wireless application
    3 Dr. Madhavi Mallam Mr. Shivaprasad B. K. Design and Development of algorithms to detect congenital heart disease
    Mrs. Pratima B Kadekar Intelligent routing & wavelength assignment in DWDM using nature-inspired metaheuristic
    4 Dr. Devanand S N Mr. Jagadish M. Design and Development of Metamaterial inspired Antennas
    Mrs. Miranda Surya Prakash Novel Approach for Indian License Plate Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques.

    Research Grants

    #No. Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator Year of Award Amount Sanctioned Duration of the project Name of the Funding Agency Type (Government/non-Government)
    1. Dr. Madhavi Mallam 2023 20 lakhs 2 Years VGST GOVT.
    2. Dr. Madhavi Mallam 2021 10 lakhs 2 Years VTU RESEARCH GRANT-2021 GOVT.
    4. Dr. Madhavi M 2019 1.5 Lakhs 3 Days VTU-TEQIP CELL GOVT.

    Student’s Projects

    #No. Name of the Investigator Awarded Year Amount Sanctioned Duration Funding Agency Type
    1. Mr. Mahendra S Naik 2020 6000 Rs. 6 MONTHS KSCST GOVT.
    2. Mr. Mahendra S Naik 2019 4500 Rs. 6 MONTHS KSCST GOVT.
    3. Mr. Mahendra S Naik & Mr. Nithin H V 2019 4000 Rs. 6 MONTHS KSCST GOVT.
    4. Mrs. Shyamala S C 2019 4000 Rs. 6 MONTHS KSCST GOVT.
    5. Mr. Amit Kumar K 2017 6500 Rs. 6 MONTHS KSCST GOVT.

    Memberships / MOU


    Professional Membership IETE, ISTE, IAENG
    Student Membership Chapters IETE-ISF
    Institutional Membership ICT Academy

    Department Achievements

    Academic Year 2023-2024

    #Sl.No Name of the Student Event / Certification Course / Training Participated(Name, Organizer) Date Participation /Position
    1 Punit Nellur Participated in “Line Follower” event in “plasma 2k23” held at JNNCE ,shivamogga. 12/23/2023 2nd Place
    2 Rakesh Irappa Pujar Participated in “Line Follower” event in “plasma 2k23” held at JNNCE ,shivamogga. 12/23/2023 2nd Place
    3 Rajshekar C D Participated in “Line Follower” event in “plasma 2k23” held at JNNCE ,shivamogga. 12/23/2023 2nd Place
    4 Sameer V Deshpande Participated in “Line Follower” event in “plasma 2k23” held at JNNCE ,shivamogga 12/23/2023 2nd Place
    5 Lasya Hegde Participated in "NEXGEN NEXUS" conducted by "GOAL10X Technologies pvt Ltd". 5/11/2023 Excellent Performance
    6 Lasya Hegde Completed "AutoCAD -2D (Workshop)" , Learn Delta. 6/8/2023 A' Grade
    7 Manoj Kumar G C "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 53%
    8 Chethan Karegowda "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 65%
    9 Aditya S "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 60%
    10 Shashank Nayaka S P "Problem Solving Through programming in JAVA" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 60%
    11 Shashank Nayaka S P "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 55%
    12 Hemanth D "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL July-October 2023 55%
    13 Madhusudhan G K "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 55%
    14 Karthik Virupaxa Iliger "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 61%
    15 Latish Patil "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL.K July-October 2023 63%
    16 Pragna L N "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 41
    17 Pavan Kumar V "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 55%
    18 Pavan Kumar V "Ethical Hacking" NPTEL. July-October 2023 65%
    19 Viresh Kasheenath Babalewshwar "VLSI Design Flow: RTL to GDS", NPTEL. July-October 2023 70%
    20 Yashaaswini M P "Problem Solving Through programming in C" , NPTEL. July-October 2023 49%
    21 Ujwal Bharadwaj "VLSI Design Flow: RTL to GDS", NPTEL. July-October 2023 62%
    22 Rajshekar Channappa Doddamani "Cyber Security and Privacy " NPTEL. July-October 2023 57%
    23 Rakesh Irappa Pujar "Participated and exhibited the project titled "Driver drowsiness and alcohol intoxication detection and alertness of the driver" in the INNOVATION 2023, project compitition organized by CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 12/7/2023 Participated and exhibited the project
    24 Rajshekar C D "Participated and exhibited the project titled "Driver drowsiness and alcohol intoxication detection and alertness of the driver" in the INNOVATION 2023, project compitition organized by CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 12/7/2023 Participated and exhibited the project
    25 RB Suma "Participated and exhibited the project titled "Driver drowsiness and alcohol intoxication detection and alertness of the driver" in the INNOVATION 2023, project compitition organized by CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 12/7/2023 Participated and exhibited the project
    26 Pradyumna D "Participated and exhibited the project titled "Driver drowsiness and alcohol intoxication detection and alertness of the driver" in the INNOVATION 2023, project compitition organized by CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 12/7/2023 Participated and exhibited the project
    27 Rakshan S, Soudarya P, Sinchana Maane M, Siri Ramesh, Shivu C "Participated and exhibited the project titled "e- Charging for EV' s using Solar Energy" in the INNOVATION 2023, project compitition organized by CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru 12/7/2023 Participated and exhibited the project
    28 Pradyumn D “Ideathon held during Malnad startup summit,Anveshana, shivamogga. 2023 Participated & appreciated
    29 Shreyas N P Presented paper titled "Dual Axis Solar tracking and whether monitoring system" in the 1st IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management - MRTM 23, Organized by New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru 22/09/2023 to 23/09/2023 Presented paper

    Student Achivements

    Academic Year 2022- 2023

    #No. Name Event Place Secured Year
    1. Ujwal Bharadwaj Participated in BasketBall sports Competition held Prerana Annual Day competition at PESITM, Shivamogga Winner 2022-2023
    2. Ranjitha G Engineering a Way out” Event in “Mysterio 3.0” held at JNNCE, Shivamogga Second Prize 14th December 2022
    3. Preethi G V Engineering a Way out” Event in “Mysterio 3.0” held at JNNCE, Shivamogga Second Prize 14th December 2022
    4. Nischal S Foot ball Inter collegiate Central Karnataka Runner Place 05/12/2022 to 06/12/2022
    5. Vishnu Balikile Internship on “Testing and Development” Contriver, Mysuru Awarded as best intern of the batch 2022 2022-2023

    Academic Year 2021- 2022

    #No. Name Event Place Secured Year
    1. Yashavanth A B “AIKYA ‘21” “KAAGADA” Paper presentation, held at East Point College of Engineering, Bengaluru Awarded as 2nd Place 28th December 2021
    2. Nikhil R “AIKYA ‘21” “KAAGADA” Paper presentation, held at East Point College of Engineering, Bengaluru Awarded as 2nd Place 28th December 2021
    3. Vishowtam S “AIKYA ‘21” “KAAGADA” Paper presentation, held at East Point College of Engineering, Bengaluru Awarded as 2nd Place 28th December 2021
    4. Kirana J “AIKYA ‘21” “KAAGADA” Paper presentation, held at East Point College of Engineering, Bengaluru Awarded as 2nd Place 28th December 2021
    5. Yashvanth A B “AIKYA ‘21” “KAAGADA” Paper presentation, held at East Point College of Engineering, Bengaluru Awarded as 2nd Place 28th December 2021

    Academic Year 2020- 2021

    #No. Name Event Place Secured Year
    1. Prashanth VAJRADEHI 2021, State Level Body Building Competition held at Nanjanagud 2nd Place 2020-2021
    2. Darshan M K “KITE SHOW” event conducted as part of PREERANA, PESITM Shivamogga 2nd Place 2020-2021
    3. Manish M R “KITE SHOW” event conducted as part of PREERANA, PESITM Shivamogga 2nd Place 2020-2021

    Academic Year 2018-2019

    #No. Name Event Place Secured Year
    1 Pallavi V Shet Participated in TECHNIE 19 National Level Technical Fest in the Event Frequenzee Third 16th March 2019
    2 Sanjay Y Participated in TECHNIE 19 National Level Technical Fest in the Event Frequenzee Third 16th March 2019
    3 Pramod Kumar S V ROBOCORE 19 “Cross Road’ Project Second 23rd March 2019
    4 Pramod Kumar S V ROBOCORE 19 “Line Follower Robot’ Project First 23rd March 2019
    5 Nithin S M ROBOCORE 19 “Line Follower Robot’ Project First 23rd March 2019
    6 Ganesh Prasad D M ROBOCORE 19 “Line Follower Robot’ Project First 23rd March 2019
    7 Manjanaik S B ROBOCORE 19 “Cross Road’ Project Exhibition Second 23rd March 2019
    8 Uday D J Participated in TECHNOZEST during “Pleiades” 2019 at KLE Technological University, Hubballi First 28th - 30th March 2019
    9 Ravinandan S Rayabagi Participated in TECHNOZEST during “Pleiades” 2019 at KLE Technological University, Hubballi First 28th - 30th March 2019
    10 Naveen Kumar Participated in TECHNOZEST during “Pleiades” 2019 at KLE Technological University, Hubballi First 28th - 30th March 2019
    11 Naveen Kumar Participated in “Hardware Hackathon” during “Pleiades” 2019 at KLE Technological University, Hubballi First 28th - 30th March 2019
    12 Ravinandan S Rayabari Participated in “Hardware Hackathon” during “Pleiades” 2019 at KLE Technological University, Hubballi First 28th - 30th March 2019
    13 Uday D J Participated in “Hardware Hackathon” during “Pleiades” 2019 at KLE Technological University, Hubballi First 28th - 30th March 2019
    14 Prashanth S Participated in Mr. Karnataka 2019 Senior State Body Building Championship Second Prize 16th March
    15 Uday D J Participate in Line Flogen during Pleiades Held at KLE Technological University Hubballi Third Prize 22nd – 24th March 2019
    16 Ravinandan Sanjeev Rayabagi Participate in Line Flogen during Pleiades Held at KLE Technological University Hubballi Third Prize 22nd – 24th March 2019

    Placement Details

    Percentage of Students got Placed (Year wise List)
    Academic year
    Academic year
    Academic year
    Academic year
    Academic year
    75 % 82.85 % 50.60 % 45.36 % 57.80 %


    News Letter




    Contact Us

    Dr. Om Prakash Yadav
    Professor and Head,
    Electronics and Communication Engineering

    PES Institute of Technology and Management
    NH 206, Sagar Road, Shivamogga – 577 204
    Office- 8147053072
    Email- hodece@pestrust.edu.in

    Dr. Om Prakash Yadav
    Professor and Head, Electronics and Communication Engineering

    PES Institute of Technology and Management NH 206, Sagar Road, Shivamogga – 577 204
    Office- 8147053072
    Email- hodece@pestrust.edu.in