Mechanical Engineering (ME) is an incredibly diverse field that offers captivating and demanding opportunities across every facet of modern technology. Our journey began in 2010 when we initiated our undergraduate program with an intake of 60 students. Since then, we have been committed to nurturing young minds and preparing them for a fulfilling career in mechanical engineering. In 2017, we achieved another significant milestone by establishing a VTU-recognized Research Centre. This centre has become a hub of innovation, attracting numerous research scholars who are actively pursuing their PhD degrees. Research is at the core part we focus on. Our faculty actively participates in various sponsored projects funded by prestigious organisations such as AICTE, VTU, VGST, KSCST, and more.We also make a difference in rural areas through conducting impactful Rural Development Activities to create positive change and improve the quality of life in these communities.
- The Department is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
- The Department has a recognized research centre from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
- Research Scholars are pursuing their research in the areas of Nanomaterials, Composites, Additive manufacturing, Thermal Engineering, Biofuel, Fracture mechanics and more.
- The funded research projects from AICTE, VGST and VTU are sanctioned in Nanocomposites, Biodiesel and Additive manufacturing.
- Advanced laboratories and facilities are available to students, enabling hands-on experience in areas like CAD, CAM, Analysis, Material Testing, Fluid Mechanics, Energy Conversion etc.
- Nanotechnology Lab has specialised equipment like High energy Ball-Mill, Ultrasonicator, Universal Testing Machine, Computerised Pin-On-Disc wear testing machine etc.
- Student projects receive financial assistance from agencies like KSCST, VTU etc...
To emerge as a centre of excellence in Mechanical Engineering Education, Research and Entrepreneurship.
Mission 1:To create a platform for effective continuous learning by offering strong technical knowledge skills.
Mission 2:To motivate the students that involve academic research activities for their career excellence and being responsible global citizens.
Mission 3:To inculcate social, ethical and entrepreneurial values for professional accomplishments.
Apply their Mechanical Engineering knowledge to solve technical and societal problems.
Work effectively in a team or lead multiple teams while exhibiting interpersonal and management skills with ethical responsibilities.
Analyse the real-world problems and develop the system and services that provide economically feasible and acceptable solutions.
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Graduates shall be able to design and develop efficient Mechanical systems.
Graduates shall be able to analyse, interpret and also lead the team in industries to provide feasible solutions to multidisciplinary engineering and societal problems.

Mr. Seetharama Krishnamurty

Mr. Mohamed Mushtaq Hussain
Lab Instructor

Mr. Sreekara R B
Lab Instructor

Mr. Druvakumara C H
Lab Assistant

Mr. Sharath M
Lab Assistant

Mr. Raghavendra T R

Mrs. Akshatha
Office Assistant

Mr. Firoz Basha

Mrs. Gayatri
Facilities / Labs
Lab photo and Descriptions
Computer Lab (Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab, Computer Aided Modeling and Analysis Lab, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab)

Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab:-
This lab will provide knowledge of thread forms, fasteners, keys, joints and couplings. Students will understand and interpret drawings of machine components leading to preparation of assembly drawings manually and using CAD packages, also acquire the knowledge of limits, tolerance and fits and indicate them on machine drawings.
Lab In-charge: Dr. Girisha L
Lab instructor: Mr. Raghavendra T R
List of important Instruments:-
25 No’s Computer – Acer Power Series Acer Desktop, Intel Dual Core, 945 GC Motherboard, 1 GB RAM,160 GB SATA HDD, Key board, Optical Mouse, ATX Cabinet with SMPS, USB Ports, Acer 17’’ TFT Monitor, Edge Cam Software, Solid EDGE Software, ANSYS Software
Computer Aided Modeling and Analysis Lab:-
This lab will provide basic understanding of Modeling and Analysis software, understand the concepts of different kinds of loading on bars, trusses and beams, and analyse the results pertaining to various parameters like stresses and deformations. Students will learn to apply the basic principles to carry out dynamic analyse to know the natural frequencies of different kinds of beams.
Lab In-charge:Dr. Ashok R Banagar
Lab instructor:Mr. Raghavendra T R
Details of important Instruments:-
25 No’s Computer – Acer Power Series
Acer Desktop, Intel Dual Core, 945 GC Motherboard, 1 GB RAM,160 GB SATA HDD, Key board, Optical Mouse, ATX Cabinet with SMPS, USB Ports, Acer 17’’ TFT Monitor. ANSYS Software
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab
This lab will provide basic understanding of Modeling and Analysis software, understand the concepts of different kinds of loading on bars, trusses and beams, and analyse the results pertaining to various parameters like stresses and deformations. Students will learn to apply the basic principles to carry out dynamic analysis to know the natural frequencies of different kinds of beams.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) combines information management,sensing mechanisms, and integration methodologies. In a CIM lab, precise, automated machines minimize human involvement and reduce operational hazards. This setup leads to faster machining processes and shorter job times.
Lab In-charge:Dr. Manjunath Patel G C
Lab instructor:Mr. Raghavendra T R
Mechanical Measurements and Metrology Lab

This lab provides practical knowledge of theoretical concepts taught in Mechanical Measurements & Metrology through experiments. Students use various measuring tools & measuring techniques and also understand calibration techniques of various measuring devices.
Lab In-charge:Mrs. Ramya C R
Lab instructor:Mr. Seetharama Krishamurthy
List of important Instruments:-
- Pressure gauge for 10 kg/cm2 with Pressure Transducer and Digital Pressure Indicator.
- Thermocouple with sensors, digital temperature indicator.
- Load cell of 10 kg and digital indicator with 10 kg dead weights.
- Optical Projector with accessories of screen dia. 300 mm.
- Autocollimator (Prisms make) of single axis, accuracy of 6 secs with standard accessories.
- Lathe and drill tool dynamometer.
- Mitutoyo portable surface roughness with accessories.
- Floating carriage diameter measuring machine with accessories.
Foundry, Forging and Welding Lab
This lab will provide an insight into different sand preparation and foundry equipment. Students will learn different forging tools and equipment and arc welding tools and equipment also enhance their practical skills in welding, forging and hand moulding.
Lab In-charge:Mr. Praveena R
Lab instructor:Mr. Sharath
List of important Instruments:-
- LPG forging furnace 22” x 22” in mild steel with blower, gate valve, control panel board with temperature indicator.
- Swage Block 12” x 12” x 4” (cast iron).
- Anvil 100 kg.
- Moulding Boxes (12” x 12” x 4”).
- Single piece and Split patterns of different shapes.
- Universal Sand Testing machine with attachments.
- Sand sieves: 1/8 HP, Single phase, cycles 50 Hz and timer 0-15 min.
- Rapid Drier, Permeability tester Mould and Core hardness tester.
Material Testing Lab - Shared from Civil Department

This lab is essential for all the stream students which gives about the basic concepts of Engineering drawing. Students will learn sketching of Planes, Solids, Development of lateral surfaces and Isometric projections. In the Material Testing Lab, students will learn to analyze material properties through hands-on experiments, including tensile, compression, and hardness testing (Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers). They will explore impact testing (Charpy, Izod), non-destructive testing methods, thermal properties assessment, and microstructural analysis.
Lab In-charge:Dr. Preetham B M
Lab instructor:Mr. Mohammed Mustaq Hussain
List of important Instruments:-
- Metallographic Microscope with image Analyzer and software 1000x magnification.
- Ultrasonic Flaw Detector 4400 AV model.
- Pin on disc Wear Testing machine.
- Double disc Polishing Machine with DC motor.
- Universal Testing Machine with accessories 100 Ton capacity.
- Rockwell Hardness Testing machine - 150kg capacity.
- Brinell Hardness Testing Machine - 3000 kg capacity.
- Torsion Testing Machine – 20 kg-m capacity.
- Vickers Hardness Testing Machine – 50 kg capacity.
- Fatigue Testing Machine 200 kg-m capacity.
Workshop and Machine Shop Lab

This lab will provide students:-
- To use fitting tools to perform fitting operations.
- To provide an insight to different machine tools, accessories and attachments.
- To train students into fitting and machining operations to enrich their practical skills.
- To inculcate team qualities and expose students to shop floor activities.
- To educate students about ethical, environmental and safety standards.
Lab In-charge:Mr. Koushik P K
Lab instructor:Mr. Sharath
List of important Instruments:-
- Hack saw machine with 200 mm round cutting and Blade size 400 mm.
- Bench Grinder with 250 mm wheel size.
- Lathe - Model S103, Straight bed, centre height 175 mm and 1000 mm Admit Between Centre with all standard accessories.
- Milling machine FN2U Table size.
- 1350 x 310 mm with standard accessories.
- Radial drilling machine BR 515 box table 630 x 630 x 550 mm with standard accessories.
- Shaping machine 18” stroke length with accessories.
- Surface grinding machine (450 x 20 mm) with standard accessories.
Energy Conversion Lab

This lab will provide a basic understanding of fuel properties and its measurements using various types of measuring devices, Energy conversion principles, analysis and understanding of I C Engines will be discussed. Students will Performance Exhaust emissions of I C Engines will be measured and compared with the standards.
Lab In-charge:Mr. Ajey C P
Lab instructor:Mr. Druva Kumar C H
List of important Instruments:-
- 2 Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig.
- V.C.R. Petrol Engine Test Rig.
- 4 Stroke Diesel Engine Test Rig.
- 4 Stroke multi cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig.
- Valve Timing Diagram equipment.
- Port opening diagram equipment.
- ABEL Flash and Fire Point apparatus.
- Boys gas Calorimeter.
- Bomb Calorimeter.
- Red wood Viscometer.
- Say bolt Viscometer.
- Torsion Viscometer.
Fluid Mechanics and Machines Lab
This lab will provide a basic understanding of flow measurements using various types of flow measuring devices, calibration and losses associated with these devices. also Energy conversion principles, analysis and understanding of hydraulic turbines and pumps will be discussed. Application of these concepts for these machines will be demonstrated. Performance analysis will be carried out using characteristic curves.
Lab In-charge:Mr. Kiran Kumar K
Lab instructor:Mr. Mohammed Mustaq Hussain
List of important Instruments:-
- Francis Turbine.
- Pelton Turbine.
- Kaplan Turbine.
- Single stage and Multistage Centrifugal Pump.
- Reciprocating Pump.
- Centrifugal Blower.
- Reciprocating Air Compressor.
- Major and Minor loss apparatus.
- Notch apparatus.
- Venturimeter, Orifice meter and Nozzle test rig.
Heat Transfer Lab

This lab will provide the fundamental knowledge necessary to understand the behaviour of thermal systems. Also provides a detailed experimental analysis, including the application and heat transfer through solids, fluids, and vacuum.
Convection, conduction, and radiation heat transfer in one and two dimensional steady and unsteady systems are examined.
Lab In-charge:Mr. Taranath H
Lab instructor:Mr. Druva Kumar C H
List of important Instruments:-
- Composite wall Apparatus.
- Thermal conductivity of metal rod apparatus.
- Natural Convection equipment.
- Forced Convection equipment.
- Pin-Fin Apparatus.
- Emissivity Measurement Apparatus.
- Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus.
- Parallel Flow Counter Flow Heat Exchanger.
- Refrigeration tutor 1/3 HP capacity.
- Air-Conditioning trainer.
- Transient Heat Conduction Apparatus.
- Drop wise and Film wise condensation equipment.
Design lab

This lab will provide knowledge regarding Natural frequency, logarithmic decrement, damping and damping ratio. understand the techniques of balancing of rotating masses. Gives knowledge to verify the concept of the critical speed of a rotating shaft. also illustrate the concept of stress concentration using Photo elasticity.
Lab In-charge:Mr. Prasanna Nayak H
Lab instructor:Mr. Seetharama Krishnamurthy
List of important Instruments:-
- Whirling of Shaft.
- Porter Governor.
- Circular Polariscope.
- Journal Bearing Equipment.
- Universal Vibration Equipment.
- Balancing of Rotating masses.
- Gyroscope.
- Strain Gauge Rosette Equipment.
- Curved Beam equipment.
The CAED lab serves as a foundational course for engineering students, equipping them with the essential skills required to communicate and document engineering designs accurately. It involves the use of specialized CAD software to create detailed and precise engineering drawings.
Lab In-charge:Mr. Mujebur Rehaman
Lab instructor:Mr. Sreekara R B
List of important Instruments:
Computer specification: 78 No’s Computer – Acer Power Series, Acer 0807 AW 170T188LE Desktop, Intel Dual Core E 2180@2.0 GHz, 945 GC motherboard, / 10/100 LAN Card, 1 GB DDR2 RAM,160 GB SATA HDD,Keyboard, Optical Mouse, ATX Cabinet with SMPS,2 USB Ports in Front and 4 ports at the Back, Acer 17 TFT Monitor, Projector – SHARP XR-32X with wall mountable screen, Printer - Canon LBP 3300,Solid Edge Software.
Focus of Research:-
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at PES Institute of Technology and Management focused on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research and established a new Centers of Excellence in Thematic Areas of Nanotechnology. The COE has been established in collaboration with Adnano Technologies Private Limited, Shivamogga. World-class research happens at PESITM gifted by our faculties (collaborating with renowned institutions in India and Abroad), and research scholars to develop innovative solutions for the problem domain. The following thrust areas that our faculties contributed are:
- Material Science and Metallurgical Studies.
- Manufacturing Process and Automation.
- Nanotechnology.
- Composites.
- Energy.
- Sustainability.
- Data Science: analysis and analytics.
- Artificial Intelligence Tools.
- Computational Tools and Techniques.
Research Supervisor & Scholar Details
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is the recognized research center approved by VTU. The details of Research Scholars registered under the supervisors of ME department faculty members are presented in the below detail.
Name of the Research Supervisor | Name and USN of the Scholar | Effect of Hybrid Nano reinforcement on Mechanical properties of Polymer based Denture materials through optimization techniques | Year of Registration | Status |
Dr. Basavarajappa Y H | Mr. Tharanatha H [4PM19PME01]. | Performance, combustion, emission and Wear Study of a CI Engine using Biodiesel from Chicken Skin Waste. | 2019 | Course work completed |
Dr. Girisha L | Mr. Malteshkumar Deshpande [4PM19PME02]. | Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Behaviour of Al7075 nanocomposites. | 2019 | Course work completed |
Dr. Girisha L | Mr. Prashanth H R [4PM19PME04]. | Microstructure, Mechanical and Strengthening of A356 nano composites. | 2019 | Course work completed |
Dr. Girisha L | Mrs. Seema Banu [4PM20PME01]. | Effect of Hybrid Nano reinforcement on Mechanical properties of Polymer based Denture materials through optimization techniques. | 2021 | Course work completed |
Dr. Manjunath Patel G C | Mr. Avinash H S [4PM19PME03]. | Modelling and optimization of Cooling Slope Integrated Squeeze Casting Process using Statistical and Soft Computing Tools. | 2019 | Course work completed |
Dr. Sharanaprabhu CM | Mr. Mujebur Rehaman [4PM19PME05]. | Effect of higher order terms in fracture toughness under mixed mode (I/II) loading. | 2019 | Course work completed |
#No | Name of the Researcher | Project Title | Funding Agency | Academic Year of Award | Sanctioned Amount (in Lakhs) |
1 | Dr. Girisha L | Experimental Investigations on Dry Sliding wear behaviour of Graphene/nanodiamond reinforced AL7075 Nano composites for Clutch facing applications | Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Bangalore | 2021-23 | 20 |
2 | Dr. CM Sharanaprabhu | Modernization and removal of Obsolescence Aspirational- Advanced Materials Testing Laboratory | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi | 2020-21 | 8.39 |
3 | Dr. Girisha L | Development of Aluminium Alloy Based Hybrid Nano-Composites to evaluate Mechanical Characteristics, Microstructure, and Strengthening Mechanism | VTU – Research Grants scheme 2021, Belagavi | 2021-22 | 8 |
4 | Dr. Girisha L | Advance research in Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites. | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi | 2020-21 | 3.5 |
5 | Dr. Manjunath PatelG C | Artificial Intelligence Based Design and Development of Micro-textured Cutting Tools and Eco Friendly Cutting Fluids for Sustainable Machining of Inconel 800 - Super Alloy | Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Bangalore | 2022-23 | 3 |
6 | Dr. Girisha L | Machine Learning Applications in Nanocomposites and Nanofluids | Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Bangalore | 2022-23 | 2 |
7 | Dr. Manjunath PatelG C | Optimization of high yield biodiesel production from fish oil using nanocatalyst and performance evaluation in diesel engine | VTU, Belagavi | 2019-20 | 2 |
8 | Dr. CMSharanaprabhu | Unnat Bharath Abhiyaan | AICTE, New Delhi | 2019-20 | 0.5 |
9 | Mr. Ganesh U L | Drowsiness Detection System with Embedded System & IOT | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2021-22 | 0.08 |
10 | Mr. Shivananda D C | Effect of Nano material in Biogas production in domestic food waste | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2020-21 | 0.08 |
11 | Mr. Malteshkumar Deshpande | Wear behaviour of AL 7075 nano composites material for clutch facing application | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2020-21 | 0.08 |
12 | Mr. Mahanthesh M R | Processing and Vibrational Characterisation of Hybrid (MWCNT/GR/ND) nano composites reinforced aluminium alloy (AA6061 and AA5083)composites | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2020-21 | 0.07 |
13 | Dr. Basavarajappa YH | Experimental Investigation of Bio diesel - Bio gas dual fuel operation on CI Engine | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2020-21 | 0.07 |
14 | Mr. Abhishek C R | Extraction of Bio-fuel from sugarcane bagasse by pyrolysis setup and performance test on IC Engine | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2020-21 | 0.07 |
15 | Mr. Rajashekhara MC | Experimental performance analysis of conventional gasoline vehicle blended with hydrogen gas | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2017-18 | 0.07 |
16 | Dr. Girisha L | “Poly methyl Methacrylate (PMMA) based Nanocomposites” – Synthesis and Characterization for Dental applications | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2022-23 | 0.06 |
17 | Mr. Rajashekhara MC | Experimental performance analysis of dual fuel (bio gas and Gasoline) for conventional vehicle | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2020-21 | 0.06 |
18 | Dr. Basavarajappa YH | Bio-CNG Production, bottling, and utilisation for CI Engine | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2018-19 | 0.06 |
19 | Mr. Ganesh U L | Optimization of emission and performance test on a CI engine using the biodiesel extracted from the Terminalia Catappa seeds | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2019-20 | 0.05 |
20 | Dr. Girisha L | Effect of ZrO2/TiO2 nano reinforcement on Mechanical properties of PMMA based denture materials | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2019-20 | 0.04 |
21 | Mr. Ashok R. Bangar | Design and fabrication of hand operated rice plant cultivator | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2019-20 | 0.04 |
22 | Mr. Vinod V Rampur | Energy harvesting by rain water using piezoelectric materials | Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru | 2019-20 | 0.04 |
Center for Nanotechnology Research
PESITM- Adnano Center for Nanotechnology was established in 2022 at the PESITM campus in collaboration with Adnano Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Shivamogga, with an aim of conducting Advanced Research in Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Advanced Material Technology. The Center has well-equipped equipment’s for synthesis and characterization supervised by experienced faculties under the leadership of Dr. Girisha L, Prof. and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, with an aim to contribute towards advancement of science and technology and make an effort to bridge the vast gap between industry-academia. The leading area of research includes nanomaterials, nanotechnology, nanocomposites, nanoelectronics, nanofabrication, and nano-coatings. In addition to research, the centre also conducts training and awareness programmes to students on recent trends and developments of Nanotechnology. The centre is undertaking research and development projects from various funding agencies and is offering consultancy services to research projects.
Memberships / MOU
Department of Mechanical Engineering has collaborated with renowned Industries and Institute to conduct research, real-life industry projects and internships to map-theory to practise, placement opportunities, industry visits and so on.
Collaboration | Address | Year of Collaboration |
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Adnano Technologies Private Limited PLOT 31L 2nd Cross, Industrial Area Rd, Machenahalli, Karnataka 577222 |
2021 |
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Government Tool Room & Training Centre Plot No Ca-38, Nidige Industrial Area, Shivamogga Shimoga Karnataka India 577222 |
2021 |
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Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research #4, 16th Cross, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru – 560 080 |
2021 |
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Vijay Technnocrats Private Limited PlotNo.33-A, ShimogaBhadravathi Industrial Area. Machenahalli, Nidige Post-577222. |
2019 |
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Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) 10th Mile, Tumkur Road, Bengaluru - 562 123 |
2019 |
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Shanthala Spherocast Private Limited #36-B, Shimoga-Bhadravathi Industrial Area, Machenahalli, Shivamogga, Karnataka 577222 |
2019 |
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Pragathi Steel Castings Private Limited #41/42, Shimoga - Bhadravathi Industrial Area Machenahalli, Nidige, Post, Shivamogga, Karnataka 577222 |
2019 |
Department Achievements
Placement Details
Percentage of Students got Placed (Year wise List)
Academic year | Academic year | Academic year | Academic year |
2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 |
61% | 74% | 63% | 47% |
“The supportive and collaborative environment within the mechanical engineering department made learning enjoyable and encouraged us to push our boundaries. The projects I undertook were instrumental in developing my practical skills.”
“The department consistently introduced us to captivating and forward-thinking projects, allowing us to apply theoretical concepts to real-world applications, thus enhancing our problem-solving skills. I was fortunate to engage in research initiatives that were at the forefront of technological advancement.”
“The mechanical engineering department provided me with a solid foundation in engineering principles that has been invaluable throughout my career. The dedicated and knowledgeable Professors in the department inspired me to think critically and pursue innovative solutions to engineering challenges.”
“I had the privilege to engage in cutting-edge research projects, which not only expanded my knowledge but also opened doors to exciting career opportunities. The faculty members were always approachable and willing to provide one-on-one guidance, fostering a supportive learning environment.”
“The mechanical engineering department boasted a team of highly knowledgeable and experienced Professors who not only delivered top-notch lectures but also served as mentors guiding us towards excellence.”
“The curriculum was well-structured and covered a wide range of topics. It prepared me for various career paths within the mechanical engineering field. Mechanical Engineering Department has given me the all kind of support in achieving higher goals. Strength of MED is all our faculties. ”
“The cultural activities in the Mechanical Engineering department allowed us to take a break from our rigorous academic schedules and provided a much-needed outlet for self-expression. It brought out the artistic side of engineering students, promoting a holistic development of our skills and talents.”
“I am extremely grateful for the college I attended. It provided me with an exceptional educational experience that has had a lasting impact on my life. The college also had state-of-the-art facilities and resources that greatly enhanced the learning experience. The library was well-stocked with an extensive collection of books, journals, and online resources, making research and studying a breeze.”
“The department had strong industry connections, providing us with valuable internship opportunities and exposure to the latest industry practices. This helped me to bridge the gap between academia and the professional world.”
“The department at my college was exceptional in nurturing a collaborative and intellectually stimulating environment. The professors were experts in their fields and were always approachable and supportive. They encouraged critical thinking and provided ample opportunities for research and practical application.”
“The department organized regular guest lectures, workshops, and seminars featuring industry experts, giving us insights into cutting-edge technologies and trends. These events enhanced our understanding and kept us updated with the industry advancements.”
“My department provided exceptional resources and opportunities, equipping me with practical skills and a strong network for future success. The institution instilled in us a strong sense of ethics and professionalism. These values have been instrumental in shaping my approach to engineering challenges.”
“I am incredibly grateful for the institute I attended. It provided me with a comprehensive and high-quality education that laid a strong foundation for my future.”
“The Mechanical Engineering department offered valuable add-on courses that enhanced my skills and expanded my knowledge beyond the core curriculum. The faculty members played a crucial role in guiding us through project challenges. Their mentorship ensured that we were on the right track and helped us excel.”
“The mechanical engineering department provided hands-on experiences through well-equipped labs and workshops, which gave me the practical skills I needed to excel in my career.”
“The Mechanical Engineering department at my institute went beyond academics by fostering a vibrant and inclusive cultural environment. The department actively encouraged and supported various cultural activities, allowing students to celebrate diversity and express their artistic talents. ”
“My department provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge, valuable skills, and a network of like-minded individuals. I am proud to be an alumnus of this institution and would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a top-notch education in a supportive and enriching environment.”
News Letter
Contact Us

Dr. Girisha L
Professor and Head,
Mechanical Engineering
PES Institute of Technology and Management
NH 206, Sagar Road, Shivamogga – 577 204
Office- 8147053077

Dr. Girisha L
Professor and Head, Mechanical Engineering
PES Institute of Technology and Management
NH 206, Sagar Road, Shivamogga – 577 204
Office- 8147053077