Faculty Details
Dr. Likewin Thomas
Professor & HOD
Email :hodaiml@pestrust.edu.in
Educational Qualification :
Ph.D. (NITK Surathkal), M.Tech (NITK Surathkal), BE (VTU)
Academic Experience :
16 Years
Dr. Likewin Thomas
Professor & HOD
Email :hodaiml@pestrust.edu.in
Educational Qualification :
Ph.D. (NITK Surathkal), M.Tech (NITK Surathkal), BE (VTU)
Academic Experience :
16 Years

About :
- VTU Competitive research funding scheme, TEQIP 3 (VTU TEQIP Cell).VTU/TEQIP 3/ 2019/321.End-to-end Verifiable and Preferential StrategybasedElectronicVotingSystemUsingDelegatedProofofStakeonBlockchain.Rs 2 Lakh.
- VGST.VGST/GRD-857/2019-20/2020-21/250.UnderCISEEScheme. FacialAttendanceSystem,EmotionRecognitionandInterest/DisinterestRecognition. Rs25 Lakh,
- AICTESPICES fundofRs1,00,000/-
- Received Rs 2 Lakhs from VTU Competitive Research Funding Scheme, under TEQIP 3 (VTU TEQIP Cell) with the order number VTU/TEQIP 3/ 2019/321 for the project End-to-end Verifiable and Preferential Strategy based Electronic Voting System Using Delegated Proof of Stake on Blockchain.
- Received Rs 25 Lakhs from VGST CISEE Scheme with order number VGST/GRD-857/2019-20/2020-21/250 for the project Facial Attendance System, Emotion Recognition and Interest/ Disinterest Recognition.
- Received AICTE SPICES grant fund of Rs1,00,000/- from AICTE.
- Thara K L, Likewin Thomas, Sandeep T. Deep Learning Techniques for Real-Time Object Detection and Classification. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (SCOPUS). In Progress
- Likewin Thomas. Towards Comprehensive Home Automation: Leveraging IoT, NodeRed, and Wireless Sensor Networks for Enhanced Control and Connectivity. Scopus Indexed Journal. Engineering Proceeding -MDPI Journal. (yet to get published)
- Amatya, Smriti, Ishika, MV Manoj Kumar, B. S. Prashanth, H. R. Sneha, Likewin Thomas, and Vishnu Yarlagadda. "Real-Time Hand Gesture Detection Using Convex Hull and Contour Edge Detection." In Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications: ERCICA 2020, Volume 2, pp. 325-335. Springer Singapore, 2022.
- Surendra, Surendra, Manoj Kumar, Shiva Dharshan, Vishnu Srinivasa Murthy Yarlagadda, B. S. Prashanth, and Likewin Thomas. "CXNet-A Novel approach for COVID-19 detection and Classification using Chest X-Ray images." (2022).
- Thomas, Likewin, and Manoj MV Kumar. "Best resource recommendation for a stochastic process." International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information 19, no. 10B (2016): 4611.
Total 10 Journal Articles
- EDITOR for the Book Title: Blockchain Technology and its PotentialApplicationstobepublishedbyCRCPressandindexedbyTaylorandFrancis
- BookChapter:IGIGlobal.DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-7131-5.ch005:LikewinThomas,Kumar,M.andAnnappa,B.,2019.ClinicalDecisionSupportSystem for Early Disease Detection and Management: Statistics- Based EarlyDisease Detection.In Pre-Screening Systems for EarlyDiseasePrediction,Detection,and Prevention (pp. 108-155).
- Book Chapter: Scopus, Elsevier ISBN: 9780128216330: Likewin Thomas et.Al.,Foundations of Healthcare Informatics. Book titled Demystifying BigData,Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Healthcare Analytics.
- BookChapterSpringer,Scopus,WoS:LikewinThomaset.Al.,DeepLearning for COVID-19, Understanding Covid-19: The Role of ComputationalIntelligence.InPress.
- Book Chapter Wiley Scrivener Publishing, Scopus: Likewin Thomas et. Al.,Artificial Neural Networks- Theory, Concepts & Applications, Data MiningTechnologies using Machine LearningAlgorithms.InPress
- Kumar, Manoj, B. Annappa, Likewin Thomas, Sourav Kanti Addya, and M. Niranjanamurthy, eds. Blockchain Technology and Applications. CRC Press, 2022.
- Ramesh, Sandesh, Manoj Kumar, B. S. Prashanth, Likewin Thomas, and Y. V. S. Murthy. "Artificial Neural Networks-Theory, Concepts & Applications”. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
- Prashanth, B. S., M. V. Manoj Kumar, Likewin Thomas, M. A. Ajay Kumar, Dinghao Wu, B. Annappa, Anirudh Hebbar, and Y. V. Srinivasa Murthy. "Deep Learning for COVID-19." Understanding COVID-19: The Role of Computational Intelligence (2022): 531-569.
- Manoj Kumar, M. V., B. S. Prashanth, H. R. Sneha, Likewin Thomas, B. Annappa, and Y. V. S. Murthy. "Process Logo: An Approach for Control-Flow Visualization of Information System Process in Process Mining." In Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications: ERCICA 2020, Volume 1, pp. 481-492. Springer Singapore, 2022.
- Thomas, Likewin, Manoj Kumar, and B. Annappa. "Clinical Decision Support System for Early Disease Detection and Management: Statistics-Based Early Disease Detection." In Pre-Screening Systems for Early Disease Prediction, Detection, and Prevention, pp. 108-155. IGI Global, 2019.
- Annappa, B., MV Manoj Kumar, and Likewin Thomas. "Foundations of healthcare informatics." In Demystifying Big Data, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for Healthcare Analytics, pp. 3-15. Academic Press, 2021.
- Manoj Kumar, M. V., Likewin Thomas, and B. Annappa. "Simplifying Spaghetti Processes to Find the Frequent Execution Paths." In Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart System, Innovations and Computing: SSIC 2017, Jaipur, India, pp. 693-701. Springer Singapore, 2018.
- IEEE Senior Member (91118482)