Faculty Details
Dr. Girisha L
Professor and Head
Email :hodme@pestrust.edu.in
Educational Qualification :
B.E in Mechanical Engineering, M.Tech in Machine Design, Ph.D in Nanomaterials
Academic Experience :
19 Years
Dr. Girisha L
Professor and Head
Email :hodme@pestrust.edu.in
Educational Qualification :
B.E in Mechanical Engineering, M.Tech in Machine Design, Ph.D in Nanomaterials
Academic Experience :
19 Years

- Effect OF ZrO2/TiO2 Hybrid Nano reinforcement on Mechanical Properties of PMMA based denture materials, Karnataka State Council For Science And Technology (KSCST), Indian Institute of Science campus, Bengaluru – 560 012, 43rd Series of Student Project Programme: 2019-20, Rs. 4000.00
- Six Days Short Term Training Programme (STTP-OFFLINE/FACE TO FACE) on “Advanced Research in Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites”, sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi, AICTE-AQIS STTP, AICTE, NEW DELHI, Sanctioned 3.5 Lakhs, Completed the Project, 20.09.2021 to 25.09.2021
- Karnataka Fund for Infrastructure strengthening in science and Technology in Higher Educational Institutions (K-FIST L2), “Experimental investigations on dry sliding Wear behaviour of graphene/nanodiamond Reinforced Al 7075 nano composites for clutch Facing applications”, Vision Group id Science and Technology (VGST), Bengaluru, Sanctioned for the year 2020-21 of 20 Lakhs.
- VTU – Research Grants scheme 2021, "Development of Aluminum Alloy Based Hybrid Nano-Composites to evaluate Mechanical Characteristics, Microstructure, and Strengthening Mechanism", Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Sanctioned for the year VTU RGS-2021 of 8 Lakhs.
- VGST–FDP–Engineering, “Machine Learning Applications in Nanocomposites and Nanofluids”, Vision Group id Science and Technology (VGST), Bengaluru, Sanctioned for the year 2021-22 of 2 Lakhs.
- Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) based nanocomposites – Synthesis and characterization for dental applications, Karnataka State Council For Science And Technology (KSCST), Indian Institute of Science campus, Bengaluru – 560 012, 46th Series of Student Project Programme: 2022-23, Rs. 6000.00
- Received 5000 rs Cash Amount from VTU Belgaum for the Best Final Year Project of CSE Dept. in the year 2019.
- Project titled “Safety Driving Instrument” selected under Karnataka Innovation & Technology Society, Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka received a funding of 85,000/-Rs.
- L. Girisha &Raji George, “Study on Properties of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite through Casting Technique”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 3 Issue 4, April – 2014, ISSN: 2278-0181, pp1372-1375.
- L. Girisha&Raji George, “Dry sliding wear behaviour of MWCNT reinforced commercial purity aluminium composites”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014, pp 536-540.
- L. Girisha, Raji George and Pradeep Kumar Ilay, “Investigation of Damping Behavior of Aluminum Based Hybrid Nanocomposites”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014, ISSN: 2278-0181,pp 711-716, 2017
- Pradeep Kumar Ilay, GirishaL, JagadeeshSannagoudra& Lava K R, “Investigation of Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Aluminium 6061 with Ferro-Titanium Metal Matrix Composite”, International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (IJRTI), Vol. 2 Issue 5, 2017, ISSN: 2456-3315.PP 218-222.
- Pradeep Kumar Ilay, Girisha L, Karibasappa M S, Anand Hosamani &Gururaja Lakshman Naik, “Investigations of Mechanical Properties on Natural Based Composites: Carbonised rice husk (CRH), Tamarind fruit Fibers I and Coco-Spathe Fibers (CS)”,International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.5, No.6, June 2017, E-ISSN: 2321-963,pp 110-114.
Total 40 Journal Articles
- The Internet of Things based Smart Mattresses for Somnambulism (Sleepwalking) patient, 202041028086 A, Journal No. 34/2020 Dated 21/08/2020, Page: 33115, Part-1.pdf (ipindia.gov.in)
- IOT Based Pill Dispenser, 202141011019 A, Journal No. 12/2021 Dated 19/03/2021, Page: 14116, Part-1.pdf (ipindia.gov.in)
- A Neuromorphic System for Integrating a Modular Pieces of An Assembly, 202121019690 A, Journal No. 23/2021 Dated 04/06/2021, Page: 14116, Part-1.pdf (ipindia.gov.in)
- Cost Effective Ventilator Using CO2 Laser Cutting Machine for Covid-19, (Design Patent), 342442-001, 15-04-2021, Application Status: Application Accepted, Certificate of Design Generated.
- Design and Development of Automatic Gear Changing Model Using Electromagnetic valves, 202141031663A, Journal No. 33/2021 Dated 13/08/2021, Page: 35773 Book/Book Chapters
- A Text Book on Production Process, Shanlax Publications, Tamil Nadu, India, ISBN: 978-93 90082-91-9, 2020
- Non-Traditional Machining Processes, Forschung Publications, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, ISBN: 978-93-87865-67-9, 2021
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Industrial Automation, Forschung Publications, Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-87865-49-5, 2020
- Finite Element Analysis, Jeyalakshmi Publications, Madurai- 625003 ISBN: 978-81-960319-54, 2023
- Member – International Association of Engineers (IAENG) (Member Number: 167736)
- Member – Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) (Membership ID No. PM81947620)
- Member – Institute of Scholars (InSc) (Membership ID: InSc20200679