Faculty Details

Dr. Prasad N. Bapat

Assistant Professor

Email :prasadbapat@pestrust.edu.in

Educational Qualification :
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Academic Experience :
10 years

Dr. Prasad N. Bapat

Assistant Professor

Email :prasadbapat@pestrust.edu.in

Educational Qualification :
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Academic Experience :
10 years

  • 1 Effect of high pressure on the nematic–isotropic transition in aerosil–liquid crystal composites, PN Bapat, DSS Rao, SK Prasad, Thermochimicaacta, 2008, 495 (1-2), 115-119
  • 2 Effect of pressure on the dielectric behavior of a bent-core liquid crystal PN Bapat, DSS Rao, SK Prasad, US Hiremath, CV Yelamaggad, Physical Review, 2009, E 87 (4), 042504
  • 3 Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the Frank splay and bend elastic constants
  • 4 PN Bapat, DSS Rao, SK Prasad, US Hiremath, Thermochimicaacta, 2010, 537, 65-69
  • 5 High-Pressure Dielectric Investigations of NanocolloidalAerosil−Nematic Liquid Crystal Composites, PN Bapat, DS Shankar Rao, S Krishna Prasad, CV Yelamaggad, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011, 114 (40), 12825-12832
  • Total 10 journals