Faculty Details

Dr. Sunitha B S

HOD of Data Science Department, Associate Professor

Email :hodds@pestrust.edu.in

Educational Qualification :
B.E, M Tech, Ph.D
Academic Experience :
20 Years

Dr. Sunitha B S

HOD of Data Science Department, Associate Professor

Email :hodds@pestrust.edu.in

Educational Qualification :
B.E, M Tech, Ph.D
Academic Experience :
20 Years

  • 1 Abhijit Das, Pramod, and Sunitha B S, “Anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection using Ensemble Machine Learning Approach” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 13(2), 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130275
  • 2 Abhijit Das, Pramod, and Sunitha B S, “An Efficient Feature Selection Approach for Intrusion Detection System using Decision Tree” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 13(2), 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130276
  • 3 Abhijit Das, Pramod and Sunitha B S, “Deep Reinforcement Learning based Ensemble Model for Intrusion Detection System” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 13(5), 2022.
  • 4 Abhijit Das, Pramod, and Sunitha B S, “A Deep Learning Approach to Enhance Network Intrusion Detection Capabilities for Cyber Security” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 13(5), 2022.
  • 5 Abhijit Das, Pramod, and Sunitha B S, “Design and Development of an Efficient Network Intrusion Detection System Using Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques for Wifi Environments” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 13(5), 2022.
  • Total 6 journals
  • 1 Published in the Official Journal of the Patent office, India, Application No. 202141011019A published in Patent Office Journal No. 12/2021 Dated 19.03.2021
  • 2 Published in the Official Journal of the Patent office, India Application No.202241052879 published in Patent Office of Journal no 09/2022 Dated: 23/09/2022 A USING MACHINE LEARNING IN AN INDUSTRIAL CONTROL NETWORK TO IMPROVE CYBERSECURITY OPERATIONS
  • 3 Authored a Textbook Titled “Programming in Python” .(ISBN: 978-81-954079-4-1)
  • Computer Society of India (CSI)
  • Institute for Engineering Research and Publication(IFERP)
  • Indian Society For Technical Education (ISTE)
  • International Association of Engineers (IAENG)