Faculty Details

Dr. R Sekar

Professor & Head of Department

Email :hodeee@pestrust.edu.in

Educational Qualification :
M.Tech, Ph.d
Academic Experience :
22 years

Dr. R Sekar

Professor & Head of Department

Email :hodeee@pestrust.edu.in

Educational Qualification :
M.Tech, Ph.d
Academic Experience :
22 years

  • 1 R Sekar, Suresh D S, H Naganagouda, “Design Analysis on Transient, Steady-State and Fault Condition of the Grid connected Renewable Energy Systems and its Correction Techniques”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 2021, Vol. 7, pp. 211-216. https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0709034.
  • 2 R Sekar, Suresh D S, H Naganagouda “An Integrated Three-Port DC-DC Modular Power converter with multiple renewable energy sources suitable for Low and Medium Power Applications”, SPRINGER-Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, ISSN : 2190-3018.
  • 3 R Sekar, Suresh D S, H Naganagouda and Palanisamy S “Design and Simulation of a Three Port DC- DC Power Converter with Transient and Steady-State Compensation Techniques Suitable for Renewable Energy Resources”, Journal of SolidState Technology, ISSN: 0038-111X Vol. 63, No. 3,pp. 1685-1695, Oct. 2020.
  • 4 R Sekar, Suresh D S, H Naganagouda, "A Review on Power Electronic Converters suitable for Renewable Energy Sources", published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library on 08th February 2018, DOI:10.1109/ICEECCOT.2017.8284556: Electronic ISBN: 978- 1-5386-2361- 9.
  • 5 Shruthi M N, Dr. Suresh D S, Rajendra C J and R Sekar “PLC based wastewater treatment and fire alarm system” International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 1, Issue 1, August 2016 ISSN 2091 – 2 /30.
  • 1 Filed a Indian Patent (as an Applicant & Inventor) relevant to the research work entitled “Modular DC-DC Power Converter suitable for Multiple Renewable Energy Sources with Transient and Steady-State Control Facility” – Application No. 202141019814.
  • 2 Filed a Patent (as an Inventor) for the research work on “PLC based waste management robot” – Application No.6234/CHE/2015.