Faculty Details
Dr. Madhavi Mallam
Email :drmadhavi@pestrust.edu.in
Educational Qualification :
Academic Experience :
16 years
Dr. Madhavi Mallam
Email :drmadhavi@pestrust.edu.in
Educational Qualification :
Academic Experience :
16 years

- Dr. Madhavi Mallam has obtained a grant of Rs: 20.00 Lakhs for the proposal entitled as: “Establishment of Silicon chip Design laboratory” Under K-FIST L2 scheme of VGST, Karnataka during the A Y : 2022-23.
- Dr. Madhavi Mallam (PI) and Mr Mahendra S Naik (CO PI), has obtainedRs 10.00 Lakhs for two years for the proposal entitled as: “Development of Reference free DE noising Algorithms for Biomedical Signals.” Under VTU RGS scheme during the A Y : 2021-22.
- Dr. Madhavi Mallamgot SanctionedVTU TEQIP 1.3 Sponsored 3 Day FDP “Research Funding Opportunities and Proposal Preparation for Academicians” on 27th to 29th April – 2019. Total amount Sanctioned: 1.5Lakhs. For A Y:2018-19.
- Dr. Madhavi Mallamhas Project Sanctioned by Department of Science and Technology (DST) andfile no: SR/WOS-A/ET-26/2011,Title of the Project:GENETIC OPTIMIZED PC BASED FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL OF DC SERVO MOTOR (AIRCRAFT –ACTUATOR)Total amount Sanctioned: 18, 30,000 rupees for the AY:2012-15.
- Dr.Madhavi Mallam, “Microwave versus conventional sintering of NaNbO3 modified BNT–BT–BKT ceramics”, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2023) 34:475,11th Feb 2023.
- Dr.Madhavi Mallam, “Secured office surveillance and automatic room weather monitoring using IOT”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN: 2582-5208, Impact Factor- 6.752, Volume: 04/Issue: 07/July-2022.
- Dr.Madhavi Mallam, “Designing and implementation of 32 bit floating point multiplier using modified carry look-ahead adder”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Impact Factor- 6.752,ISSN:2582-5280 Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022.
- Dr.Madhavi Mallam, “An Intelligent Crop Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm”, GIS science journal, volume 9, issue 6, ISSN NO: 1869-9391, 2022.
- Dr.Madhavi Mallam, “Detection of Ginger Plant Leaf Diseases by Image Processing & Medication through Controlled Irrigation” Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology Volume XII, Issue VII. PP: 1318-1321, ISSN No: 1006-7930, 2020.
Total 23 Journal Articles
- FIETE - F-503364
- MIAENG--215950
- MIFERP-- PMIN54631728