Webinar on NEP-2020


The Department of Departmentof Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with Career Development Centre conducted a webinar on “National Education Policy (NEP) 2020” on 6th April, 2021 for the students and faculties.There were totally 174 participants registered for the webinar. Participants were from Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana etc.

The program was arranged online/offline mode in main seminar of PES Institute of Technology and Management (PESITM). The program started with the welcoming of delegates for the event. The event was anchored by Dr. Prasanna Kumar T M. It was then followed by the speech of Dr. Nagaraja R (Chief Coordinator- Administration, PES Trust), and Dr. Chaitanya Kumar M V (Principal, PESITM). Dr. Om Prakash Yadav introduced the webinar speaker, Prof. Rishikesh B S., Associate Professor, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, and Karnataka.


Prof. Rishikesh started with the aim of new national education policy. Then he discussed about the changes that have been made in the new education policy. Later he shared the advantages of new education policy andthen he concluded with the execution of neweducationpolicy.


The session was very informative and interesting. It was then followed by queries session which he addressed successfully. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Manasa B. A feedback link was shared to the participants.