Report on the special talk on“Entre


Speaker:Sri. S RudreGowda , MLC, Chairman Shanthala Group of Industries

Date: 24.12.2022

Venue: PESITM Main Seminar Hall

Timings: 11:00am – 12:00pm



The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Civil Engineering in association with Institution Innovation Council (IIC) has organized aspecial talk on“Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behavior Development”.

The speaker for the talk was Sri. S RudreGowda , MLC, Chairman Shanthala Group of Industries. The program started with the welcome address by Mr. Rakesh M K , Assistant Professor, Civil dept.The Guest introduction and the objective of the program  was given by Dr. Chaitanya Kumar M V, Principal. Then the speaker shared his views on Entrepreneurship qualities one should build to become a successful entrepreneur.

The key highlights of the talk are as follows:

·      To spark the entrepreneurial spirit in the budding innovators by guiding them on how to convert their Innovative Ideas and emerge as successful Entrepreneurs. Becoming an entrepreneur is an important career decision, and to plunge into this domain requires the right skill set, attitude, and behavior.

·    The speaker highlighted some of the key characteristics of an entrepreneur, which are:

1. Empathy is instilled through entrepreneurial ideals and related ways of thinking, doing, feeling, seeing, communicating, organizing, and learning things.

2. Development of strategic thinking and scenario planning skills, as well as the ability to make intuitive decisions based on little knowledge.

3.Stimulating a variety of entrepreneurial behaviors such as seeking for and seizing opportunities, networking, taking initiative, convincing others, and making intuitive decisions.


Thespeaker also highlighted on those skills normally associated with being an entrepreneur, although anyone can develop them and interpersonal skills one needto include are as follows.

·      Leadership and motivation: one Can lead and motivate others to follow you and deliver your vision. And are able to delegate work to other people. As an entrepreneur, have to depend on others to get beyond the early stages of your business

·      Communication skills: need to be skilled in all types of communication. Need to be able to communicate well to sell your vision of the future to a wide variety of audiences, including investors, potential clients and team members.

·      Listening: Have a nature of hearing what others are telling you. Your ability to listen and absorb information and opinions can make or break you as an entrepreneur. Make sure that you're skilled at active and empathic listening.

·      Negotiation: must be strong negotiator. Not only need to negotiate favorable prices, but also need to resolve differences between people in a positive, mutually beneficial way.

·      Ethics: Do you deal with people based on respect, integrity, fairness, and trust? Can you lead ethically? You'll find it difficult to build a happy, productive business if you deal with staff, customers or suppliers in a shabby way.

Dr. Om Prakash Yadav, HoD EEE and Coordinator for IIC concluded the session by proposing the vote of thanks.