Report on Volleyball Tournment


   Physical Education is an integral part of the total education system. It helps in the attainment of the ultimate aim of education i.e. the achievement of holistic development. Games and Sports play a vital role in the student’s life. A student should study hard to be successful in competitive examinations. But, he should also play games and sports to enjoy the health and vigor of life. Along with bookish learning, a student should spend his time on games and sports also. Either study or work alone makes us exhaust. We remain no longer efficient to do any work. Sports remove our mental exhaustion. Education without sports is incomplete.

           Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted intra departmental volley ball tournament for boys on 07-12-2021 and 08-12-2021. Dr. Om Prakash Yadav, HoD, Dept., of EEE, inaugurated the tournament at 2PM and encouraged all the participants and conveyed the importance of sports in their life.

           One team from 3rd semester (3-A), two teams from 5th semester (5-A and 5-B) and two teams from seventh semester (7-A and 7-B) participated in the tournament. The tournament was conducted in the presence of Mr.Sanjay, PE teacher and Mr.Anjaneya, Helper. 7-A team under the captainship of Rakesh C won the tournament and 5-A team under the captainship of Manish B got second place.